Our Sunday School Department offers a fun, interactive way for everyone to learn about God with classes tailored to their age and experience.
Preschool Faith Tots is designed for pre-school age children 2 years and up who will enjoy coloring Bible pictures, singing, and learning through engaging Bible stories. Primary Faith Kidz is a class for children in the first years of elementary school. This class provides a dynamic learning experience that gets kids excited about the Word of God. Elementary SHOUT is a Sunday School class for older elementary school children and takes their learning to the next level. On any given Sunday, you may find the kids dressing up in Biblical costumes and acting out the story of Moses or filming a newscast reporting live on the scene in Egypt. Intermediate IMPACT is a Sunday School class for students in middle school and junior high. The class offers a deeper dive into God’s Word and prepares students for the transition into High School, while providing a fun, interactive atmosphere that promotes learning. High School The Pathfinders Class helps students in grades 9 through 12 develop their own walk with God through interactive Bible lessons and real world examples. Friends / Ignite This dynamic Sunday School class for young adults provides a Bible-based curriculum focused on every day living and current issues. Senior Adults The Senior Adult Bible Class focuses on in-depth study of God’s Word. Designed for adults over 60, this class follows a Bible-based curriculum using a variety of materials. |
Sunday School LeadersSUPERINTENDENTS
Robert & Beverly Bond |